.93 printer is down

Someone ended up turning off (Wasn’t me…I lost a print and $1.50’s worth of filiment…) .93’s extruder heater in the middle of a print run and now the filiment’s good n’ stuck in the mechanism at this time and won’t extrude either. Someone will have to do repair work on it before it can be returned to service.



Sorry your print did not come out ok, Ill call Polyprinter in the morning. In the future put the issues with the printers in the Issues and requests section of talk so all parties who need to know about the printer will see it…

It is fixed now


Would’ve put it there, but apparently I am blocked out of it (No permissions) and I wanted to make sure SOMEONE knew what happened. Wasn’t so much I wasted the time or the print, it was that someone made a good mistake on the one I was working with and it needed help.


This is an excellent time to ask for a green dot…

X-D. Duuuh… Thanks for the tip and link.