I’m looking to join the class on Thursday 9/21 to get the certification to use the large woodshop tools. As the class is full would I be able to just show up or possibly do a one-on-one to complete it?
Woodshop Basics is not a class you can attend if full due to the hands on nature. Currently, the class takes about 3 hours to complete with 5 people, so an extra person would add at least another half hour. There are usually some cancellations/no-shows so I’d check calendar for any open spots leading up to the day of.
For one on ones, you can try reaching out to @BirdMan @j801496 or anyone at @Team_Woodshop for signoff. I’ve audited Tom’s class, but I still need to have someone shadow my own class before I teach. We will also be overhauling the curriculum come October, so router table/bandsaw will be their own classes and basic woodshop rules (banned materials, safety precautions, etc.) will be rolled into an online course, all of which should reduce the length of the class and make it more accessible for teachers.