7 tickets left for my Marquetry class (Sept 6-9, 2019)

I must have 3 paid students by Wednesday Sept 4th at 6:00pm or I will have to cancel the class due to my costs. Please go to Eventbrite today and buy a ticket only 2 to go to lock in the class after we have 3 tickets sales will go all the way up to class time or until the max of 8 students is met. DMS members Don’t forget DMS19 gets you $100 off.
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Please log on to Eventbrite and use code DMS19 to buy a ticket to my 2 1/2 day Marquetry class you won’t be disappointed. I want to thank all the folks at DMS that have helped me set up this 3 day Marquetry class i am forever grateful. I also want to thank the one student who has already bought a ticket. I have to make a decision going forward whether to cancel my upcoming Intro to Marquetry class. Currently I have one person who has bought a ticket with the $100 discount. I have hotel reservations and significant expenses involved so if I don’t have at least 3 students necessary to break even on my expenses I must cancel the class no later than Wednesday night Sept 4th to allow time to cancel my hotel etc without full charges. I really don’t want to cancel.

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I’ve signed up for the class and I’m very excited. Marquetry is an art form in wood that is all but lost. We have an opportunity to learn from someone who is obviously passionate about his work and who is an expert at marquetry.

I would like to encourage you all to sign up for the class. From everything I’ve seen it will be well worth the price of the ticket.

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Dan thank you so much for these kind words I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I will see you at the class. :+1::+1::+1:

I’d really like to see this succeed; I think this is a great offering for DMS to host for the Dallas-area woodworking folks.
I’m going to post up the links folks could use to gather more information, RSVP, and/or buy tickets:
DMS Calendar Events:

On Eventbrite:

I’ll also suggest @Team_Woodshop, being an event in their committee space, and @Team_PR cross-post this to any appropriate media outlets to let interested parties know about it. For example, pulling up Dallas Makerspace’s page in Eventbrite does NOT appear to have any information about this upcoming event, nor does our Meetup page (@NightRanger) …

Good luck with this! Wish I could attend, and hope it’s offered some point in future when I can.


Thank you so much Andrew it is very much appreciated. :pray: I hope to see you soon.

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Hi Wayne, I’d really like to get your event on the DMS Meetup today if you’re interested. It has 4,904 members. I’m pretty sure that if we try to tell people to sign-up through Eventbrite from Meetup, you’ll have many people showing up that didn’t register and turning grumpy quickly. Many people will not read the big, bold print. We can do this if you like though.

I think it’d be a wiser course of action for you to post the event directly in our Meetup group and also charge through Meetup. I’ll help guide you with all of this. We can check daily how quickly the event fills up to prevent overbooking.

Please let me know here or DM me.


Something of interest to those members of DMS that aspire to be a professional Maker. A fine piece of furniture will sell to the right buyer sooner or later however if you put even a small Marquetry on it this will double the buyers interested in it and sell within half the time and you can significantly increase the price of the piece. Also if you make a beautiful wooden box for a friend or relative they will really appreciate it, add a Marquetry to the top of it and they will share it with everyone they know haha. I am a living witness to that :sunglasses:

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Hi Wayne,

It looks like an interesting class. I’m out of the country that weekend.

If you have possibly some shorter simpler ones in the future I might be interested. The 9am to 6pm is a little much for me.


I couldn’t agree more. I fully intended to join this class, but life came up. I REALLY hope this class makes, for a few reasons. Not only do I want the best for a talented artist and instructor, it is enhances DMS. And for my own purposes, I want to see future offerings so I take it

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Good idea regarding Meetup. There ~ 4200 people listed in the DMS Meetup group I believe.

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Forgive me but I don’t know how to do meetup. Also I was told I had to use Eventbrite. I will be glad to meetup if someone will tell me how or who to talk to. Thanks for the tip

Thank you there will be other classes

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Yes please put it in meetup. I don’t know what that is but sounds like lots of members. I will do whatever from my end. I was told I base to use Eventbrite so I did.

Gonna DM ya now

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My cell number is 8175591346 if you want to tell me what to do. Thanks for all the help.