I promised to bring in some lead 45 acp hollow points, but for the life of me, I cannot remember who that was. I plan on being up at DMS tomorrow so I can bring them up then. With the issue with the Fire Marshal, Is the Hatcher space closed and locked?
Also, I have some 9mm and 45acp cast lead boolits that I would be willing to donate to Hatchers if they can be used.
And last chance on any of the brass that I have. I will make someone here a good deal, before I sell them on the net.
If anyone has any questions, dont hesitate to ask or contact me.
Me too.
Then I chuckle.
And then think of the Simpsons where the fella has a boolit lodged in his leg, and it’s the WHOLE boolit (it enhances my amusement of both misspelling boolit AND the Simpsons to ensconce them together in my head) stuck in his (wooden) leg…
“Shot who in the what now?”