The very talented twins Haley and Hannah of DMS did some very nice work for 3E8Tech that I am excited about. I told them I needed a video intro. Something simple, something clean, something professional that you could throw no stones at (cuz believe me, between competitors in the industry and those that surround me at DMS, there will be stones aplenty).
I got this in response:
i don’t know which one of you to thank for the awesome effort, but I really like this a lot. I will be using it, in fact. Right away, even. So who do we give the credit to? Haley, is this yours, or did Hannah assist with the vectors?
Also, would you please be so kind as to provide said vectors and files for me to catalog for the company? I have cloud storage where I keep such company items. All files associated would be best, that way if at some future point in time, I could edit/embellish the originals and easily replicate the work you did exactly as a starting point.
Now I am assuming that you are done, but if there is more, by all means I want it. Otherwise, supporting files would be quite helpful. Storage is cheap. Your time is not, and neither is mine.
Anyways, NICE EFFORT! I really like what you have done here. Do you have ideas for audio, or perhaps silence is beauty? Silence does have the advantage of allowing video specific vocal cues to be added later.
Anyone want to fix what the Russian hackers did to the website then manage/censor/popularize it? If the company reaches a point of solvency, then such a bullet item on resume is for sure a STAND OUT item. I am happy to help point you to backup to restore to get rid of breakage, and BTW its wordpress. I might argue that wordpress is the best tool available these days for getting a site up quickly for which you have full control of all files, content, blogs, without having to generate the source code yourself (which is impossible without huge team of coders, you must leverage other’s work to succeed here, and wordpress is how to do exactly that). Anyways, you are in no way obligated to do a thing, but I would love the help. Either way, this intro rocks and I say right track to your question.
Thanks again. Get some shades, cuz I see bright futures ahead for you.