3d printer anxiety

Does anyone else have anxiety if they aren’t 3d printing something constantly, if my printers aren’t in the process of printing something I feel like I am being wasteful.


I always feel like I’m being wasteful! :rofl::rofl:

On a serious note…

I’ve always had the problem feeling like I was just wasting time if I wasn’t at work, designing or building something useful, cooking to feed someone besides myself or just being active in a productive way.
I believe that it has to do with how we came up. Whether it was instilled in Us by our parents, watching others around us or just a natural feeling of needing to be worth something (usually and in the end, to ourselves).

If it’s a feeling that drives you for you or to help others in some way, that’s good.
If it’s a feeling that drives you because you believe that you have to measure up to someone else’s idea of what’s wasteful or productive, then it isn’t.

Don’t bother trying to keep up with the Joneses or the Kardashians or whoever because in the end, they’re just narcissists looking for attention.

Do what you feel is right for you without hurting those around you.


I feel ya. If my laser or cnc are idle I just don’t feel right. Long before that if my table saw, lathe or router weren’t being run it was the same. Cheers!

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