3D polyprints all down?

I see a note on every printer that something is wrong with it, so none are available to use at this time? I see a white board dated from last week due to Octoprint?

New to this, was going to try my first time today

We should have a couple polyprinters up later this afternoon. It was just discussed in 3D Fab meeting.

This isn’t a guarantee - if we run into more issues the polyprinters may stay down for longer


Polyprinters should be back online.

  • 93 and 94 are down for mechanical maintenance I believe
  • none of the cameras are currently working, I ran out of time today.

(Edit CC @Keith - I was one Pi short, and since 93 and 94 are offline, I’ll need to do some final manual connections on those when they are back online before octoprint will work probably)

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Came back up here. Looks like only one is running. Filament is in 96 i can’t get out. 92, 93, 94, 95, all down for maintenance. 91 only one working, but someone is on it for 2 hours…verrry slowly working. When will these be fixed? 4th time to run up here to try :sob::sob::sob:

92, 93, 94, 95, all down for maintenance
What makes you say this?

I ran test prints on the Poly printers tonight to confirm which were running and which are not.
90 (bubba) works Currently still printing a test cube. Looks good so far.
91 Down: Heat / Temperature control issue would not start a print.
92 Down: Stuck filament in the head. Tried heating the head to remove however is stuck probably away from heat element. Need Poly Printer service.
93 Down: Could not connect to test
94 Down: Could not connect to test
95 Works: Successful print cube test.
96 Down: Filament stuck in head. same type as other clogged printer translucent ABS

For those that did not work or could not connect I put their down status on the small whiteboard on top of the printer.

Will open new issue tickets for each printer / issue.