I’m really interested in learning how to use some 3D modeling softwares, i.e. Autocad, Rhino, Solidworks, Fusion360, etc. Does anyone know if there will be any beginner level classes scheduled in the near future. Thanks!
Great! I’m not familiar with Studio Max but a cursory google search leads me to believe it falls under the Autodesk umbrella?
I’ve designed and built some furniture, small home goods and accessories and I’m hoping to improve my capabilities by learning some 3D modeling softwares. Whether that will allow me to CNC mill parts for a chair or just better understand a form before I commit to building it, I think it will be an amazing resource. Do you recommend any particular software to start out on?
For technical plans with the ability to output to CNC you’ll want to look at Fusion 360. It’s free demo download and after free period just mark you’re a hobiest and will remain free. You can do some impressive rendering with it, however I have never been able to do anything “organic” in it. Studio Max is also under the Autodesk umbrella and is more 3D animation based. You can design the same chair but have more flexibility on lights, camera angles, or camera panning, and environment.
I’ll be offering intro classes to Fusion 360 again at the end of June/early July. They will cover the basics of the sketching environment, simple and moderately complex 3d objects, and designing for the laser cutter (and 2d multiscam) and something @sciborg wanted me to cover.
There is a SolidWorks user group that meets at the Space, and classes are sometimes avail.
Our fusion 360 CAM expert is currently taking a break from teaching.
output from an external program into fusion 360 can be problematic. If the model is a mesh, F360 can’t handle it unless it is converted to a solid body. If exported as a STP file, it should be no problem.
I’ve been using Rhino3d since the 1st beta release in 1998 - if you are a student, or have a student in the family, I’d seriously recommend. Rhino depends heavily on user feedback to make improvements. One of the things I love - besides both 2d and 3d design capabilities, is that it can import/export almost any CAD/CAM file type.
One of the free softwares to get in the game is Sketchup, google it. It is a fairly decent program but the free version does have some significant limits. There is also a 3d warehouse for existing sketchup models. https://www.sketchup.com/ Pretty intuitive and great for basic shapes.
I’ve worked with a bunch of other programs, autocad, Fusion, etc. My recommendation is to pick one and stick with it.
As long as you understand the differences between CAD software (solidworks, fusion, inventor) vs. 3D modelling packages for games and film (3ds Max, maya, blender), you’re good. Capabilities heavily overlap within those categories.
Chances are, you can get to the file type you need from any modeling software in this thread. It just might need to get translated to something else first.