So something like Prattle Bot…
(Which is currently not working. Scroll down to about Jul 8 to see what it typically outputs.)
So something like Prattle Bot…
(Which is currently not working. Scroll down to about Jul 8 to see what it typically outputs.)
We have something like that for all the printers: Pushbullet - Your devices working better together
But the idea is to have something that integrates in with the tick and elk stack deployed at the space, along with performing some basic auto remediation. (ie auto reboot printer, execute ansible/cicd jobs, email polypro and 3d fab chair about part replacements/malfunctions, track usage and breakage) more over than sending a tweet/push notification.
It should also not be exclusive to the 3d printers, but be usable by other committees too. hence the idea of using snmp and syslog to a centralized elk and tick.
Is the Pushbullet stream functional?
You can log into octoprint via the Jump Server- does that provide the functionality you are looking for?
yes and no, yes in that one can update the code for each printer or run a cronjob (so programmically yes) but as for live stream that our average user cares about well one can see for them selves.
Octoprint via the jump server
I’m on android 99% of the time and don’t have time to play around with rdp on a small 5" screen. Let alone thing about that at any given time.
If one’s getting a push notification on their phone or even the nearby info kiosk (yes their being installed) or even able to submit prints into queue via the same mobile/web app which also works with out calendar and other things around the space then why would one need to “log into” something just to check a print job?
Yea I hear you. But it’s actually quite easy. Set it up one time. Then enter the address as the printer you’re using. I have a 4.6" screen
Give it a shot first then say it sucks. I just checked them and timed it. It took me 20seconds, a total of 3 presses and 15 characters.
And once it’s open on your jump server, it’s just the two presses.
I wonder if you could go further and create desktop shortcuts for each, to make it always 3 presses or if it would be cleaned up by the jump server.
I wonder if you could go further and create desktop shortcuts for each, to make it always 3 presses or if it would be cleaned up by the jump server.
Was done ages ago and half the time it doesn’t work.
Since we’re counting; after the rdp connection it may be 3 presses but only if the printer is working. I want to know if it’s broken, offline, or healthly and then the monitoring system can run playbooks to auto fix the system. Big emphasis on AUTOFIX or at the very lease page 3d fab and our contact for the printers and put an issue ticket in so we can track which ones are braking the most.