@themitch22 is retiring from chair due to work/life constraints on his wonderful Volunteerism.
We encourage everyone with a passion for helping to consider this role. 3d Fab is an incredible gateway to creation. Helping others on this path is… Fabolous. lol
I discourage anyone from running for chair because of personal vendettas. That hurts everyone in the community.
Please work to make us better.
Cheers, john
VC 3fab*
*Not running. May the vaccines end this horrid plague.
John is correct. Yes, I’m stepping down as chair, so hopefully we can update the chair nomination. Sorry I didn’t make that clear. I will still obviously be involved but just going to have time to be a MultiCam trainer.
@John_Marlow thanks but might have to update it again after the meeting.
Anyone who wants to run, please DM me and I’ll update you and you have my support.