3D Fab funds from the Board Meeting?

Hey Lisa and the rest of Fab,
I heard from Ed that we were some what successful in receiving funds for a new printer.

Here is a link to the meeting minutes:

We didn’t get everything asked for, but from what I can tell we got enough funds to purchase a small polyprinter.

Just wanting to do a damages report after the fact. What worker? What didn’t work? and What are our plans now?

My opinion is the BOD was being conservative with funds since at the last meeting there was some big allocations for other equipment.

Seemed to be a fair compromise. Doesn’t mean they you cannot request more at a future date.

3D printing does have a challenge vs. other tools at the space. It is not often that a job on the table saw takes 11 hours to cut.


Hi Nick (@Nick),

The Board did approve for the purchase of one PolyPrinter 3D printer like the two we currently have. I am grateful that they approved that much. :smile:

I don’t feel there’s any need for any type of ‘damage control’ or even any reason to try to dig into what ‘worked’ vs ‘didn’t work’, as I feel the Board approved as much as they felt we can reasonably afford at this time. Ken (@Lampy) put it all very well.

Thanks y’all!

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@LisaSelk thanks for response,
I think you misunderstood what I was aiming for here. I was asking for a damage report, not damage control. Damage report is just a turn of phrase for how did we do as a committee and what are our goals from here.

Personally, I think we managed really well from the meeting, from what I’ve gathered the board was very tight on funding, with many items be denied or push off of the agenda. The thing that I think we could of done a bit better is possibly not going for funding right after a large splurge from the board, as they seem to clam up a bit after. But, I’m sure if the need was large enough that wouldn’t be an issue.

So the real question becomes, where is 3d Fab going from here? We successfully funded a new printer! :smile: Do we still really want a double wide PolyPrinter? Or, were we just trying to get more if we could?

I think a double wide would still be helpful to 3d Fab, I would even put $50 towards getting one if we had enough people willing to give as well. Do you have any other goals for 3d Fab?

I want to also add that I am still trying to get working RepRap printers to 3D fab most of which is independently funded (besides the part of the delta a long time ago). I think with 3 PolyPrinters we have a pretty good amount of availability but I don’t think there’s any reason why we can’t have independently funded campaigns for alternate style 3D printers. Even a UV-resin printer if we maintain it ourselves or is under training and limited use could be possible. I might be wrong though I wasn’t at the meeting, but I’m just happy we get another PolyPrinter. I don’t think the doublewide was really a necessity just something nice to have, like most of my projects (the guitar) are designed for smaller platform sizes anyway.

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@themitch22 Just wondering what is the state of the delta printers? I’ve given a few tours and they always come up.

The Rostock Delta is able to move the arms and work with Pronterface but it still needs calibration. I just need some help with the firmware. My delta printer is in the same state as well, it works but I just haven't gotten it to squirt out plastic yet.