3d fab election tomorrow at 4pm (Wed 10/3)

Just a reminder that tomorrow at 4 pm is the 3d fab election

Come if you can.


That is an odd time. Why wasn’t it scheduled for a window in the 6-9pm like most other elections?

If you need to proxy vote because of the odd time, email me at [email protected] with your preferred candidate of choice. Max or Jayson.

I was invited to be there. I will to help with the election. There are lots of proxy votes to count.

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That does seem really odd. Well within normal workday hours

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What was the outcome of the vote/count?

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Jason won.

155 to 133. These numbers are from memory.

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Almost enough to meet quorum of our voting membership!


I am encouraged by the number of people that cared about this election. It is much, much better than the 3-5 people that usually attend our meetings. By a factor of 50+.

Campaigning helps educate and communicate with the membership at large. Far beyond the reach of Talk. This will build greater excitement for the committee and greater engagement.

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Congrats to Jayson. I’d love to see collaboration between the two, obviously passionate people who really wanted the job. It’s clear that you each have a good number of people that believe in you!