I need two replacement tubes for some pen kits. 3" long ( or longer so that I can cut down) and 3/8" diameter. If you have some you want to sell I am interested. TiA…
ID and OD. May some have. Will accept arm or leg of your choice.
If you are looking for thin wall tube home depo or tractor supply may have pieces a foot long. Not too expensive.
Not sure…on pen maker retail sites they just list the OD. From some other sources, I think that the standard wall thickness for these is .2mm, though. Best approach would be to see if the pen-turning bushings fit tight. But OD required is 3/8" for sure, i.e. the size of the drill bit instructions call for.
I think I may have found different replacement tubes that are the right OD and longer than needed, so I can order and then trim them down. I think…
Wood World has bulk cut and length pen tubes, and most Ace Hardware stores have brass tube selections in lengths/diameter that should work.
Thanks for the suggestion, and lucky, too…it was your arm I was going to choose for trade with David.
I second Paul’s suggestion of Ace. The Elliott hardware in Plano will probably have some as well