22 gauge white prepainted aluminum donation

We have some scrap 22 gauge prepainted aluminum. It has pink plastic film to protect the paint. We don’t usually have aluminum scrap, Do we want some for the metal shop and if so, how much is too much and where will it be stored if i bring it to MS. Most pieces are 1-2 feet wide by 3-4 feet long.



I have need of roughly a 2’ x 3’ sized piece for a vinyl sign I am making for work if there is a piece that is left over. If it was dropped off in Vector area with my name written on the protective film. Budget got cut for buying a premade sign for the shipping doors so I am going to finally learn how to use the vinyl cutter I have at home and make the sign myself. Thanks

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I am interested if you can’t find another obvious home.

I am very interested in as many sheets as you would like to donate!

Will make awesome weatherproof spillproof signage, please consider donating to several committees, and possibly some to the upcoming plastics sig, as it would be GREAT material for the enclosure

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If what is pictured is what you’ve got, I’d say bring it all. I probably shouldn’t speak for Metal Shop, but we aren’t that interested in painted metal. It tends to get a bit special if you heat it up.

However, you’ve got boatloads of interest from other committees who will be delighted to have it.

can we cut it with plasma cutter?


22 gauge Aluminum should cut very easily on the shear and give you better edges - unless you are looking for designs.

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The paint may preclude the use of the plasma cutter.

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How are you hauling the bounty?

Generally speaking, we don’t like using the hot equipment on painted stuff. We recommend that one strips the paint off before using the plasma cutter or the welding equipment on it.

I’ll bring some in this weekend or later this week and probably put it near the metal shear and magnetic brake.
Ill post a note when i drop it off.


That is not what is stated:

nor depicted:

(see the white paint under the peeled back pink protecting film?)

Jast, not sure if you are not clear on what the material is or if you are replying to some other comment. It is 22 gauge aluminum, prepainted white on top and bottom, one side has a protective pink plastic film on it. It can be bent and punched with the protective film. It is pretty thin for drilling, might leave an out of round hole, should use a unibit for larger holes.

I got approval to donate it to MS, it is in my truck, ill probably drop it off after work on friday. We’ll have more scrap like this but could be up to a year before we use it again.

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My response was to another post asserting that the protective film was painted. See the highlighted bit in the top right of this screencap to see to whom the response was directed (and the post was subsequently deleted, apparently)

I am very clear on what you are offering, and thank you for it. :+1:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Do we have a use for 22ga White prepainted aluminum scrap