20181015 & 20181021 Board of Director Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes for this regular and special meeting are now live.

I apologize for the delay in getting them live, this is all on me as our note takers made excellent time!

Regular 2018-10-15
Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting 20181015 - Dallas Makerspace
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YocwJkfFTgM

Special 2018-10-21
Minutes: Board of Directors Meeting 20181021 Special Meeting - Dallas Makerspace
Note: I’m awaiting confirmation of the First/Second for the two complaint motions, will update soon!


Is there a video for the second meeting?

Am I remembering correctly that the same guy that stacked up so much material on a saw it broke caused so much dust that numerous members were worried about their safety?


Yep same guy! The irony right…


He’s probably fine, right? No worries of repeated abuse whatsoever.

No, there is no video or audio recording.

I find it interesting that the BoD is now in the business of safety determinations. SDS may or may not discuss the safety of products in their dust form. Dust in general is bad to breathe in regardless of base material due to the particle size and tendency to settle in the lungs and stay there.


Are the complaints against these members public? Its strange to just see a decision without knowing what the complaint was.

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If it helps, in the video of the 2018-10-15 meeting, you can see the board briefly discuss postponing one of the complaints (the one against Tom I assume) until Sunday and then go into the other complaint for ~45 minutes (which eventually gets postponed to Sunday as well). That starts around the 1:30:08 mark here: https://youtu.be/YocwJkfFTgM?t=5408