Well, I fell off the boat during Spring Break and I didn’t do any work for the picnic. I’m now trying to get back in my groove. I sent out a good 25-30 more letters asking local businesses for support but I’m not sure of the results of that. I’m now (re)asking members to consider donating items, services, time, learning or “other” to help support the DMS picnic for 2018.
Here is my working (somewhat disorganized) list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j6kN3QIOzpZkZX6VGw6-0dwhrNql1sd2XXS1AU7VS0k/edit?usp=sharing I would love to tell you that I intend on cleaning it up to make it more readable for others but it is what it is right now.
Examples of things from members from last year:
@mblatz donated time to help someone make an end-grain cutting board (he also gifted me the example) it’s awesome!
@BenjaminGroves donated a thrilling BBQ lunch with him
@Photomancer donated the thrill of cutting his hair!
Dan (I don’t know your talk name) donated two tattoos
@Team_3D_Fab got together and bought a bunch of filament
Members donated raw materials such as a stack of exotic woods to finished pieces such as turned pens, jewelry, leather pieces. It was really really awesome.
@Robert_Davidson donated a week in Florida at a condo
@jeffbob donated a ton of turning wood
This is a time to contribute to DMS, get some eyes on your work, and also gift someone with something special. I’m totally down for unique and off the wall ideas. This should be fun!
I would love for @Committee_Chairs to talk to committees to work together as a team to come up with something or a collection of things that reflect an area.