2017 - Open House October 7th! - Tools/Workshops unavailable for projects

Hello all! We are now two short weeks away from Open House and planning is underway! Please check with individual committee chairs as to what volunteers they may want for their areas!


The overall schedule will be from 11 am to 5 pm on October 7th. We will have a contingency of cosplay members from the 501st in attendance to show off their costumes as well as the Star Wars speeder bike project that is underway at the Makerspace.

We will have a more general schedule of talks in the Lecture hall, primarily from some of our larger footprinted committees with the general concept of a ā€˜get to know youā€™ for existing and new members.

The purple classroom will be populated this year with a demonstration of screenprinting.

The Interactive Classroom will be scheduled with additional demonstrations throughout the day.

The 10x10 art exhibit is available for all! Please grab your board out of the CA room, put your $5 donation in the CA box (there is an item on the CA Square for it) and get it finished this week!

I am calling on all chairpeople to get their areas cleaned up and to organize people to be in their areas. I have spoken to or private messaged many of you individually and am now working on putting together the master schedule for the lecture hall and other events that will be going on around the Makerspace on the 7th.

I am extraordinarily proud of our Dallas Makerspace and excited for the future!


Dallas Makerspace Annual Open House

Saturday, October 7th 11 am until 5pm


Additionally, Iā€™d like to give special thanks to @Diplomat for his tireless work in getting walls painted and for the additional work that he has planned for the next couple weeks!


Would an admin please pin this to the top? Thanks! (also please feel free to delete this message once itā€™s done)

It is on our Facebook page too. Please share that page several times between now and October 7th.

I also posted the 2:39 minute tour video.


Will anything be going on in the back parking lot?

Will all the worktables stay in the shop area

Trying to figure out traffic flow for JSM

I am ā€œslightlyā€ hijacking this post. (If completely can be substituted, it will be more accurate. My apologies.)

Most members are in 1 of 2 camps.

Camp #1. I do not like people. Do not come to DMS on October 7th. There will be madding crowds and all ā€œstandardā€ work is suspended.

Camp #2. I like people (mostly). Please come and HELP run things. Show off your favorite area. Help with toursā€¦ Answer peopleā€™s questions. Grease the skids.

This is a great event, high energy, a bit of craziness, lots of people who know nothing about being a maker or about DMS. Finally, it is FUN! You get to brag about DMS and you get to show off your work.

How can you help before October 7th? Invite friends and family. Post the event on Facebook, Tweeter and any other social media you use.

Check in with your favorite Committee Chair on how to help. Or check in with a Committee you are interested in.

Dress for success. Wear DMS apparel, if you have it.

On October 7th, the stated start time is 11am. We expect people to start showing up at 10am. Come early if you can.

Clean up anything! Seriously. Scrub a tool. Straighten an area. Sweep a small area of the floor. We have LOTS of guests coming.

IF you are a NEW member. Please, attend. Everyone will be showing off their best projects, you can too. All the Committees will be represented. It is a great time to expand who you know at DMS. It is cool to see the work others have completed.

Kris and Andrew are rocking out on the tables in the Commons area. There were others who helped. I know Mark. My apologies to those I missed. The tables need to be treated gently for the next couple days while the finish matures.

Thursday we are having all the carpet cleaned. By Thursday night tour time, all the carpet should be dry.

The 10x10 art show is starting shortly. ā€œArtā€ is very loosely defined at DMS. Please do an ā€œArtā€ project in support of the open house or representing your favorite Committee. Time is running out.

There is plenty of stuff to do between now and October 7th. Please help show off your Dallas Makerspace.


Why donā€™t you put this in a new thread - I think it will be read rather buried


Could we make something for the bulletin board and post it before Open House? I would want it to specifically debunk the thing that new members are the most vocal about ā€¦ training. I would expect that Open House will garner some new members and Iā€™d like to be proactive about addressing the ā€œfine printā€.

Iā€™d recommend some words like this:

Dallas Makerspace - Make, Educate, Inspire [EDITED to correct first version]

We are a membership-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, shared community workshop - our primary mission is maker-related education for adults.
The Fine Print:

  • Everything, including training, is done by unpaid volunteers
  • Most powered equipment requires training before use
  • Some classes & most consumables have nominal fees
  • It takes about 3 months to get certified on a multi-equipment set of training basics

EDIT: I can provide this as an image if someone wants to print it and post it.


Make, Educate, Inspire.

Close enough.

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Iā€™d like to add to the list: Wednesday, exact time TBD (not sure exact time), in the Commons Room. We are replacing the ceiling tiles. Most will just be, remove, sneeze, replace. The ones that have sprinkle heads will have to be trimmed. But if there are extra people, doing something as easy as handling the tile up to the person replacing it and stacking the old one, this will go really quick.

This will save us almost $2K for price quoted to Stan for install. Iā€™ll spring for pizzas for those helping.



The Hallway Refresh nears completion.

Evan and Josh kicked in some time last night. 3 days ago Eric and Hugo kept me on the right path in wood shop. Hugo help me rip a bunch of 1x2 for the French Cleats. Thanks for the help.

The wall nearest CA has the French Cleat rail up. CA has a box of cleats so they can start hanging the 10x10 entries.

The opposite wall will get a rail next then around the rest of the hallways.

The wall nearest the Galley will become our trophy and memory wall.

Once the French Cleats are installed, it will become relatively easy to display art work put it up and take it down easily. Before, we were putting holes through the walls and having to patch and repaint afterwards. Again and again and again.

Just a general reminder. Only use blue tape to attach any paper to ANY wall. If it is art work, it should be hung from the French cleat system.


You are awesome! And thanks to everyone else who helped!

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Do you have any posters or anything I can put around at work?

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No. Ask Adam. He does not though.

Iā€™ve invited 20+ local friends to the event this weekend and plan to be there for some of it in Hatchers doing some work on some 9mm brass to clean it up for trading.

How many friends have you invited to the event?

uhhh, in case no one has said anything - it appears Hatchers was closed by the Fire Marshall yesterday. Somone else will have to fill in the details.

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I ā€œRequested Accessā€ to view it

Hrm. Canā€™t see any reason why itā€™s not open for anyoneā€¦ I never said that I was a designerā€¦