Good news then!!! Im gonna give it a whirl.
I wouldn’t buy new tools. If you want to go the extra mile, clean the tools off when you’re done and it will be fine.
The shop I worked for machined thousands of delrin parts and we didn’t have specific tools for that material… we also never cleaned off the tools after machining delrin.
Great! Just wanted to make sure
Uh oh, looks like my info is actually out of date. I was told just a little while ago it looks like it does have backlash now, something is probably broken.
So I attemptes to use the Shapeoko but saw the sign saying it requires
training but dont see any classes.on the horizon…
Anyone available sometime soon to give me a walk through?
I checked the EMCO yesterday and it has .06mm of backlash on the X and .66mm of backlash on the Y.
I took the X axis down to see if there was any way to adjust it, but didn’t see anything to help. I’m really concerned about the machine though. There is nothing keeping the balls in the screw that I could see. After putting the few that fell out back in, I’m not sure how to proceed.
It does look like LinuxCNC does support backlash compensation, so we may be able to use that to overcome the issue, but I’d like someone with more experience with CNC machines to check out the ball screw.
LinuxCNC does support software backlash but it needs to be configured manually at the file level (not in the Stepconf). If the backlash is that bad and the machine has no adjustments to be made, might be time to consider getting rid of it and putting the hardware on another mill.