19" monitors available -$15

Another non-profit has ~20 19" LCD monitors available that they are wanting to get rid of.

Most of the monitors are 4:3 format, but a few are widescreen and a few have speakers. If anyone is interested in some or all of them, please let me know and I’ll coordinate getting them to the space.

Edit: I messed up… I mis-understood when he said he wanted to get rid of them, and thought he was giving them away, He clarified that he was wanting to get a $15 donation for them. Oops!


I would like one of them, preferably widescreen and speakers.


I would like one of them, preferably widescreen and speakers.

Same here - I would like one as well as long as they are flat screen and not CRT.


JAG “Recycling Pixels” MAN

I wouldn’t mind one or two of the 4:3s, if they’re flatscreen.

They are all flat screen.

I would take three (3) of these, widescreen if possible but 4:3 will also work.



(filler to get to 20 characters)

i’d like one if available Stan

no need for wide screen nor speakers


At this rate, you might want to label the monitors with user names per the feature request.

BTW, to clarify, I prefer widescreen over the monitor having speakers.

And BTW, thank you in advance for the announcement!

JAG “Dibs On The Possessed Monitor” MAN

Most of them have both VGA and DVI, I don’t think any have HDMI

I got word that I was mistaken on them being free. The guy that has them works for the Cathedral of Hope, and they want a $15 donation for each of them. I’m going to wait until Monday, then contact each of you and arrange a time to get the monitors.

I’m in for $15 - thanks

$15 is fine. $15 is fine.

One, please. Prefer wide.

I can do one for 15, yeah.

Any left? Wanna grab one for a slim-line MAME machine. 4.3, no speakers preferred…


The $15 as fine provided I get at least one feature I asked about (preferably widescreen) and that it works.

Thanks again!

JAG “Teleradiology On The Cheap” MAN

I’ll take two 4:3, preferably with speakers.