12 or 10 gauge bare copper grounding wire

I haven t checked yet at my Home Depot or Lowes (I think they cardie 8 gauge)

I need 10-15 ft of prefer 12 gauge bare copper ground wire fr
a jewelry class

Elliot s use to be my go to, but their new store has a lot less goodie

Suggestions or where to look for this Prefer places
along I 35 from near the space to Oak Cliff

Someone put a bunch of wire on the Exchange shelf. It looks like about the right gauge and it is definitely solid. You will have to peel a lot of insulation to liberate it though.

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Thanks I will check it tomorrow

I bought a pound of 14 gause but heaviere would be nicer

According to their website, Home Depot sells 10 gauge bare copper wire for 36 cents a foot.



By the foot is the easiest way to go, the plastic shielding is really easy to peel off and its what I do when I am playing with copper. Also, you can sometimes get lucky and find one on their mis-cut shelf. Sometimes someone cuts a length of wire but then decides against the purchase, so they put in on a rack outside of the wire cutting station and discount it. I always check the discount rack first.


I need to add a trip to Home Depot into my do list