11/10- 11/13 Key Fob Reactivation Help Please?

Hey! I’m Britt :slight_smile: would anyone be available today 11/10 before 2pm, or sometime the same week after 6:30pm, to let a new member in?
I’ve been a member previously and just moved back to DFW, so no need to give me a full walkthrough :heart: just need to reactivate my key fob.
I appreciate you!

Since you presumably have a current waiver on file, you can do this yourself.

If you need a fob, there are usually fobs in the mailbox out front of the main door. You can enter the (10 digit) number on it in Maker Manager and let yourself in. This assumes that you have already completed a waiver under the email address you used to register.


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I’m here now…