10x10 voting is UP and PINNED...or "Let's Play Favorites"

Voting link:

@Lampy and @LukeStrickland deserve all the credit for pulling off the voting mechanism, aka Talk-behind-the-paywall. They had to figure out how to trick the system into hiding the results until the big reveal. And they gave you all the ability to select 3 favorites…because who can pick just one? Thank you both so very much!

@StanSimmons expanded the number of poll items from 20 to enough to cover all the entries.

The idea to have a friendly contest came from @mreynolds. He also put up $40 of the $50 prize.

@Team_10x10, your hard work is on display and ready for voting. Good luck.


I’d like to donate a maker toy to the runners up.

I bought 5 of those Google AIY kits because that was the limit at microcenter :smile:

When I got home I realized I don’t need 5 of the same kit just bc they’re in sale so I’d like to offer a couple of them to the 2nd and 3rd place winners.


What a thoughtful offer. We’ll take you up on it. I’ll update the poll description.

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Thanks for the reminder to vote. I’m back in town, I want to take a look and see all the wonderful Art submitted before I vote.

