10x10 submissions are about to begin and we need to make some room (gasp…how,what,when,where)
So begins the “dear lord let’s start cleaning up” stage. We need to clear the top of the cubbies as much as possible so people will have an area to set artwork. So ya. Shove, move strange things, condense as much as possible (kinda like getting yourself into spanks)
@heyheymama is going to clear the book cart as well (as best she can)
I’m going to come up with my son on Saturday to help but if anyone has a few minutes it would be great to get a head start.
Of course I’m open to other ideas of dropoff and safe storage - put an idea out in the ether.
@Team_10x10… The Mighty Cart of Inspiration stands ready for your works.
Nicole needs your help on Saturday clearing more space. 60 items are coming our way!!! Holy cow. They gotta live somewhere temporarily. The Mighty Cart is mighty. No dispute there. But even it’s super powers cannot contend with storing 60 items.
Ah that makes much more sense. Is there an established date that you’ll start accepting the submissions? So you don’t have to store them for quite as long?
Sept 22 is end date. After we are done hanging, traditionally, late submissions are hang-your-own-we’re-not-getting-on-the-ladder-again.
With the Cart available, the submission start date is now. At this point, members should assess their comfort level. Hold on to your item if you have concerns about its safety. Glass and ceramics should definitely wait until the Lobby case is vacant. If bulky, wait until cubby shelves cleared.
I found out very quickly my Chihuahua abhors having paint on her paws. Tried to get one on a wood L, for Lily, back when I thought She was going to be put down because she had cancer and couldn’t afford the $2700 for surgery (taken care of and has a clean.bill of health, pro tip: find a vet out in the country $352 for tumor removal, biopsy, meds and a dental with four removals). The second her paw touched the paint she lost it, forced her way out of my hands, flung the cup of paint across the room and bolted away leaving tiny paw prints all the way down just the right portion of my hardwood floor lol.
Back to the topic, sorry. So is there a game plan on what needs to be moved y’all can point me at? Or is this plan still in it’s infancy?
I was hoping people could take it on by themselves if they felt the desire to help. I will be in after 1 with my son to work for a bit.
I didn’t feel the need for this task to be a rally the troops all show up at once to clean the top of the cubbies.