Choose up to 3 of your favorites. No rules, standards or guidelines apply. This is a “popularity” contest. Voting ends Friday night, Nov 2 at 11:59pm. Entries are on display in the Lobby, the kitchen hallway and the Creative Arts hallway.
We are not posting pictures with the poll. Why? Because we want you to visit the Space to see them in person! Open House on Saturday, Oct 6 from 10a-6p is a great time to check them out, but rest easy…Show runs until Nov 3, after which Makers can take them home.
The Maker of the entry with the most votes will be awarded the $50 prize. In the event of a tie, the prize will be split evenly. The prize money has been donated by Mark Reynolds @mreynolds ($40) and Stephenie Webb @heyheymama ($10), who thought a prize would make the Show more interesting this year. Mark and Stephenie thank all the Makers who have supported the event.
I don’t know if editing the original poll post deletes the current votes. Not risking it.
So am making the announcement of 2nd and 3rd place prize donations here.
Drum roll please
Daniel Hawn @tombakerftw has donated two Google AIY kits to be awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place winners! Thank you, Daniel, for the generous gift.
I will not be voting because I have not been able to come by The Space to see the exhibits.
However, I will scare up another Seeed Studio ARDX experimentation kit for Arduino to make 2nd prize better than 3rd. No promises as to when I can deliver it, but deliver I shall.
I voted!
I have to say, this year’s art show is great. In fact, so good I voted my 3 votes to others besides myself because I thought they were SOOO much better. Cheers!
OMGosh. Please. No.
More voting = less likely there is a tie. Everybody vote…
^^^^^^^^ Wrote this before we had a 2nd and 3rd place prize, which means if @mreynolds and I divvy up the cash prize among too many people, the AIY kits will look like better prizes. And a tie in 2nd or 3rd place begs the question “do we set up a prize timeshare?” Aarrgghhhhh! To be blessed with such a problem!
So here’s what we are gong to do:
NUMBER ONE: You guys gotta vote and head this off at the pass. At this writing, only 37 votes. It’s entirely possible there could be a tie among many 1-vote getters.
NUMBER TWO: Mark and I will come up with a solution that will make only us happy. Probably involves a coin flip. When in doubt, turn to Lady Luck.