[10x10 SHOW] Late? Don't panic...or "Leave no Maker behind"

Dear @Team_10x10 and other Makers,

It’s Turn It In Day…and you are going to be late.
Don’t panic. (Because we assigned the panicking to someone else.)
You put in the effort. We won’t leave you behind.

If you are going to be late, let me know.


  1. Because we’ll save you a space.
  2. Because we need to tally the number of entries to plan how many go on which wall and their spacing.

If you still insist on panicking (because we’re a do-acracy, so why wouldn’t you pitch in?), read the soothing words of @uglyknees from two years ago and breathe into a paper bag: https://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/t/10x10s-going-to-be-late-its-going-to-be-ok-lets-talk/12431

i’m gonna be late for sure. Hoping to bring it in soon


I know I am going to be late …

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Is there a particular time today that after that is considered late? I’m finishing mine up but am not sure what time I’ll be at the space.

I just need to know that you are running late. All will be well. Thank you for piping up, Amanda. See you when we see you.


I need to drop out. Ran out of time again and don’t know if I’ll have time to get to it now. Where can I return my square?

Thank you for letting us know.
White bookshelves in Common Room, lower left cubbie.

It’s so close! I spent the night at Makerspace last night. (Did you know Stan actually leaves sometimes?!) Plugged it in and everything! Save me a space near a USB.


Done and turned in! :open_mouth:


We are just a little late…heading in to the Makerspace in a bit (technically its still turn in day today right? …even if its at the end of the day.) :stuck_out_tongue:


My epoxy coat is either still curing, or it’s never going to cure completely.

Its a little early to call it ruined, but I think the finish I useday have ruined my piece.

Don’t give up.
The non-stop rain/humidity could be the culprit. I know it’s slowing down my item’s glue-up and paint cure.
We’ll keep a space open for yours.

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Running late for mine. I have the base system running, but don’t have it mounted yet.


I’m having the same issue with dry time. Save me a spot and I’ll bring it up when it finally dries


I’m dropping out as well, work trips and robot competition took up my time. Hopefully next year.

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Mine is advancing, but not at the finished stage yet.


Thank you all for updating your status. I’ve got the late submissions noted in the spreadsheet as well as removing the drop outs.
All is well.

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Is there more bubble wrap? We have several special 10x10s here that shouldn’t have anything on top of them.


I’m headed in now.

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Still stitching…

Got 4 more to do after this set of 8 is done. Should be finishing up tomorrow evening.