Improving our 'people interface'

In the discussion of declining revenue growth, folks were discussing the need for a ‘intro to Makerspace’ class.

Improved signage was mentioned, also.

It seems that it would be good to have a dedicated thread for this.

A couple of other ideas—try to have something, not necessarily a class going on in various aras on Thurs night.
Since jewelry is not very interesting to folks on a tour, unless something is going on there, I am going to start hosting a Thurs night wonight workshope most Thurs nights

I would love to see more collabrative projects like the dulcimer sticks and the inkle looms happen

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15 posts were merged into an existing topic: What can we do to improve our “People Interface”?

6 posts were split to a new topic: What can we do to improve our “People Interface”?

Hey y’all… Hold tight on replies for a few minutes please… When I moved the original ‘off topic’ messages from the other thread to this one - even though they have the correct time stamp, they show below the later responses from this thread… the only way I can ‘fix’ the order is to create a new thread and move the older ones first… It won’t take long… I’ll reply to this message once I’m done with a link to the new new thread… after a short period, I will then delete both of my messages since they are… Off Topic! :wink:

edit to add: I have locked the thread; but, have decided to leave this message here so members who had been following this will know where all the messages have gone. :wink: :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: What can we do to improve our “People Interface”?

A post was merged into an existing topic: What can we do to improve our “People Interface”?

OK Y’all… The new thread is at this link:

A post was merged into an existing topic: What can we do to improve our “People Interface”?

This topic has been closed and all responses moved to the new one.

Please continue this discussion on the new thread: