Just curious- will the 10 x 10 voting be the next big DMS proxy war?
War, what is it good for??
Absolutely nothing.
(should I say it again?)
This is SPARTA! Could I trouble you for a proxy vote?
You don’t have a clipboard?
Say ii, say it, SAY IT!
The vote will be a online poll on Talk behind the paywall.
This is simplest way we found to restrict the voting to members.
@Lampy and @LukeStrickland are working to trick the system into not showing the results, so we can have a big reveal later.
god willing and the creek don’t rise…the poll will be up tonight. (fingers crossed)
I am finally bringing mine up tomorrow. Are there instructions for hanging it and where available?
Assuming it’s not too late
There’s an empty nail on the CA hallway. All yours! Picture hanging hardware in CA on the Mighty Cart of Inspiration
@StanSimmons…How’s the USB lighting going?
He’s got a multimeter attached to and is successfully (I hope) using wires from a light ballast… I just got working…so great?
Let there be light!
There is now 20A of 5.1v available on that wall. I’ve got individually fused (5A) USB sockets above each of the hangers. I’m going to take a nap, then hopefully finish my entry in the 10 x 10.
OMGosh. Thank you for carrying the ball over the finish line one more time for the DMS Team.
It’s all I can do not to run in there now to see the lights. Tell me it’s like Vegas.
go rest now
For what time period do you anticipate this poll being live?
Through the show. Nov 2.
The Brisket Fairy has rewarded your efforts. Stop by Team Laser around noon-ish for a well deserved lunch.
Scott, did you cook the brisket served over by Laser today? If so, if that’s the outfit it takes to make the magic happen … twinkle on dude!