1 minute committee videos

Hello Everyone! My name is Adnan, I’m the Digital Media Chair. I would like to make a 1 minute video showcasing every committee and put it on our website (a great idea from @Diplomat)

I’m not sure who the committee heads are in every committee and am trying to reach out to them. If anyone can help me liaison this, I’d greatly appreciate it. If you are a committee chair and want to touch base with me please do! Let’s make this fun and let’s make this happen!


Calling all @Committee_Chairs

Oooooo that’s a handy handle


It is, but notifies currently 36 people so only should be used when it requests all eyes such as this.


I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Unfortunately at this exact time, I don’t have the time. Once the new CNC plasma is up (hopefully next week) I will have more time.


No worries @TBJK I know we are all busy. This will take time so don’t feel rushed. I am also implementing a digital asset library, if you know you have a class coming up that you’d love to catch on film please just shoot me a message and I’ll send myself or someone with a camera to capture som B-Roll

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I’m in …

OpenCast has been set up in the Lecture Hall. See @Draco if you want to use it.

We will want a 1 min video of this as well :smiley:
And a 1 min vid of the powercoating oven
and one of the induction forge
and one of the HAAS
and of the pottery throwers
and, well of all the cool stuff!

Not the kind of film I mean. I want real production quality video to put up as a marketing effort for the space


I’m all for doing equipment videos as well, if anyone has a how-to in mind please just shoot me a message and we’ll start laying that out


I have a new to me Osmo camera. I was thinking of getting some cideo at Open House just for fun. I’d be happy to share if it can be used for something.

Between your Osmo, my GoPro Fusion, and the cell phone gimbal system in DM we should have some great footage.

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Awesome, love the idea!

Yeah I have a voice for books and we’ll have to clean up the committee area so lets do something after the move over with the whole committee turned out