1,000,000 Plaster Molds Part 2

Huge thank you to @Anette_Henningson @mrjimmy @meanbaby and Sophia for loading molds today!
We picked up another 2 truckloads of molds and found a lot of nice things for fired arts. We thought there were 1,000 molds but it might actually be closer to 3,000. We probably got half of the molds. Most of them are very nice molds and would be great for fired arts. :slight_smile:


That was a work out! Iā€™m still trying to cool down. What a great team building day! Getting to know you all on a different level has been worth the sweat!


Y all be careful in this heat, I went out to ZeroLandfill day and got some nice
wood veneer, Got in the non AC car to come home to the the non AC house and
I almost got too hot


It was very hot. We will have to wait until the fall to get the remaining molds.