01 Mazda Millenia Remaining Bugs

This car passed inspection in December of 2016, was registered, and is now my daily driver.

The last fluid leak that signaled where the car slept at night was remedied on Christmas day.

The project was hugely successful, although clearly not a fruitful $ earner as it simply takes way too long to fix an old car, and parts too expensive to make this a profitable endeavor. It is much more appropriate to do this sort of thing if you have a particular car that you love and wish to preserve its function for another round.

I predict this car will go another 100k miles minimum. Other than a few rattles from aged interior parts, the car feels and drives wonderfully, very much like I am sure it did when it was brand new.

I made specific posts to show what the car looks like, and a set of photos was preserved in the show and tell thread for december 2016.