Wiki Improvements and Search

Interesting. Do we see different things when we search?

Clicking on your links …


I don’t know if everyone gets the option to create a new page, but my real point was that it doesn’t return anything useful near the top part of the search.

Being logged in makes the difference on whether it proffers a “create new page” link.

What we could do is setup several copies of the wiki somewhere with different search engines installed and then try them all out.

Or maybe you can have more than one search engine installed?

This way we can compare


Thanks for the link. I added this to the wiki section about how to improve the wiki.

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We use ElasticSearch at work, seems very nice.

I figure we should just test the ones we want and see how they work? Any objections?


I wish the wiki would notify me of changes to pages on my watchlist. Instead it is up to me to go check my watchlist online. Every day, if need be. The auto-notification would be a great way to push critical changes to our Laser users.


I think we’re just missing an email configuration in our wiki settings.

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It’s an easy fix? That would be a game changer in terms of keeping our users up to date.
(tries not to get too excited or hopeful, but it’s a struggle!)

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Seems straightforward based on$wgSMTP

I’ll set it up when I work on Search sometime this week


Had no idea this existed. We don’t link to it from the Laser wiki.
We do link to this Tool Status Board, is essentially useless to Laser as it does not contain the new lasers or the rotary engraver and we can only select a few status options that convey limited info. I have sent @LisaSelk messages to make changes, to no avail.

Would much rather have a wiki solution that Team Laser could update, update with useful info, and push notifications to our members. I don’t know if that wiki/Tools page would be the place or the wiki/Laser page.

EDIT: I fixed our uncategorized page. Thanks!

It’s available from a link on the main wiki page.

We link to the Laser Committee from it, however. And to the Laser committee documentation. And to the laser camera. Like I said … trying to be one central clearing point.

As for the Tool Status Board … yes. We need a better solution. Mike Churchill and I are going to try to fix the structure. He knows how to do it. I have permission to do it. Lisa has both but has apparently been offline for a very long time.


I was just thinking that… yes, it needs to be able to link to a specific tool from the url and have room in there to list any rules for using it.

I have a later-this-year idea I’ve been wanting to integrate with the new MakerManager. Basically being a inventory management / tool database, with specific inputs and data from all of our tools. Add in some functionality of the Tool Status Board, and allow members of a committee to add tools, and done! It would basically be a cumulation of the Assets spreadsheet the BoD asked for, Chris’s Expansion sheet, the tool wiki and the tool status board.

I’m still not feeling well, I’ll type more about it soon.


I couldn’t decide if I wanted to like this post or not … I Love the first part … the second part, I hope you get feeling better

Ummm … do you mean the tool status board, or the Tools list?

The tool status board is too rudimentary to do that. The Tools list wiki page could easily do that - if there were links to use.

I’m talking about the tools list wiki page. Right now you can’t link to specific tool.

Take a look at the rules page … the index at the top is what I want every tool listed in that is on the page

Yes you can, if the tool has its own page. Or even a header/bookmark on a page.

Go look at the Creative Arts section. Scroll about halfway through the committee tools. Click on the name Babylock_Ellure_ESL (3rd column). It takes you to a detailed page about that one tool.

This can be accomplished with anything that has a wiki-formatted heading because that generates a bookmark link to it.

I’m good with that but then every tool will need a separate page. As long as that isn’t a problem, sounds good. It might help finding it a search as well once we get that working well.

If there was a way to not push “minor changes” and spam our members when we fix typos, etc, that would be wonderful.
(tries not to look too needy.)

Actually, that is a setting you control in your preferences. The preferences link is up at the top right.