Where to buy steel?

Looking for local businesses that sell steel? Im looking for some 1095 or 1084 or even 01 tool steel. I just need it to be about 1/8th inch thick bar stock

I can’t recommend someplace for steel in particular, but there is a long list of metal suppliers on our wiki.

I usually buy small bits of metal at Metal Supermarket in Plano. You can buy small already cut off pieces, or for many materials they will cut a chunk off for you (small cutting fee).

O1 tool steel might be an issue - you would likely have to buy a full bar due to a combination of certification and unable-to-cut issues.

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Can the DMS equipment cut it? I want to make some dapping blocks but maybe it’s better off using hard wood? (Doesn’t last as long)

Zero actual working knowledge here, and @Photomancer would have final say over any Machine Shop equipment being used, but
from the little bit of reading I’ve done, 01 tools steel is an oil hardening steel, and any attempts to cut it with power equipment must be careful not overheat it, as it will harden locally very easily. Most folks appear to recommend hacksaws by hand, or REALLY SLOW bandsaws. No grinder cut-off wheels, no fast bandsaws, no sawsalls or jigsaws, etc. So… I’d want to check just how slow our bandsaws can be made to go, and suggest that’s a “maybe” on using power tools to cut 01 tool steel.

What is material type and size. I would imagine we can cut it.

A standard High Speed Steel tool works great on O1 and W1 tool steels. Most hand hack saw blades of any decent quality are made of HSS. Use a S7 or similar ground tool for turning or milling. Try mcmaster.com for small quantities at a fair price. Shipping is usually $6 on small orders, they do not quote shipping up front. Shipping usually takes 2 business days.

Our saws are limited to 55 HRC or less. Only the abrasive cutoff can do above that.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Dapping blocks (make vs. buy?)