What Plans for DMS Processes?

This is an interesting tangent, but closely enough related that I don’t think it’s worth breaking off from the processes thread. I have noticed that there are multiple areas that have things such as wrenches, and it’s a little bit of a pity that the machine shop and auto areas have duplicated these items, but partially for convienence sake, I can understand why it may have evolved this way. I can agree that if ‘science’ wanted to buy some sort of specialized 3d printer, then i’d say that it would be fine. If the science committee decides that they don’t have access to a PolyPrinter when they want one, that reeks of an us-vs-them mentality, that is very bad.


When you find yourself in a hole, it’s best to put down the shovel.

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I don’t mind borrowing hand tools from Wood Shop. I do think it would be nice if Science Committee bought its own tape measure, and maybe a set of screwdrivers, just for convenience. Our studies in physics are going to result in us duplicating some equipment with Electronics, as we need some high voltage gear of our own, and maybe specialized soldering equipment. I’m not trying to duplicate what other committees have, but if we need a tool that some other committee has, and we have the money and usage to obtain it for ourselves, I think we ought to buy it.

It’s kind of funny… a few decades ago, we would have been having this conversation about computers. Now, everyone just takes for granted that everybody needs a computer (and a telephone, for that matter).

And that’s where everyone disagrees and considers that a waste of money (if it’s a “large” amount). I don’t think for instance you guys should waste money on something like an oscilloscope for instance.

I agree that Science Committee should not buy an oscilloscope at this time, because we don’t need one very often. It would be different if we had a high demand for one, or needed one with different capabilities than Electronics Committee could supply.

Dear Science Committee…

You have a whole Makerspace full of tools at your disposal. Start using those. When yall start hogging 3D printers to the point others complain then you have a Real justification to purchase your own, until then there are free tools all around you. (And I know you don’t already do that, 90% of the time I can walk in the door and start printing within an hour)

I keep seeing posts about what you want to do for the space. Are you waiting for permission? Maybe sometimes we aspire too much and do too little…

Permission? No… In 3-4 weeks that I have been hanging around I feel asking for forgiveness rather than permission works in most situations, however… Some of the things I initially posted about helping out revolved around others ‘letting me in’ to the circle of trust or what-have-you and giving me the information needed to work with.

I have since backed off on most things to do with the Makerspace organization itself and have concentrated my efforts on the Digital Media Committee, which also ties a little into the PR committee.

I will say that your sentiment was thrown at me by several people that I am not backing up my words, but I will counter to say no one has offered to help me move forward with my desires to assist. So, I moved on to areas where my assistance was welcomed. :wink:

Challenge me… Put me to work.

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In my experience you’ll be waiting a long time for permission… but so long as you don’t commit a huge/costly mistake you’ll easily beg forgiveness.