Using the lift today 12/6

Hi all. Just wanted to give a heads up I’ll be using the lift for 4 - 5 hours today starting about 2:00pm. Please let me know if you are already using it and won’t be finished by then.

You may want to see this post

if the door thing is not resolved, can you still do what you want?
Others also had plans, per that thread…

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The door is open and no one is currently using the lift.


@jast Thank you for the courtesy of pointing out the door may not be working.

@bgangwere Thank you for letting me know it’s been resolved.

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Well I suppose if we have enough volunteers to open the door, it should be no problem. I just received my shipment this morning, after rescheduling and making other plans. ( of course ) However, Tom and I have tentatively rescheduled my CC replacement for Thursday night, if you would like to join us and take a look-see. It would be appreciated. Liz

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The Cat install has been delay until next week due to the delayed part arrival.

Thanks for the fantastic post!

Does anyone know if the ramp door is fixed yet? Couldn’t open it high enough to get my SUV inside to use the lift yesterday.

it is not fixed yet waiting on board approval

Sounds like there is currently no estimated time on fixing the ramp door, so you can probably consider the ramp permanently blocked until 2016

I’m trying to rush it but I’m in a holding pattern

We appreciate your hard work. May I inquire what is needed?

Where to start

Jayson woods

I’d imagine this is the hold up

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Do we know what’s wrong with the door? Did the spring pop?

Right torsion spring gave it up - seemingly in a rather energetic fashion. Also, tracks are bent and multiple rollers on the right side don’t consistently remain in the track.