Thermite art project

Science was given some thermite by our sadly passed member Walter, we would like to collaborate with @Team_Creative_Arts to think of an interesting art project to do with the molten iron. Any ideas? @uglyknees


@Nick - any thoughts?!? Our resident licensed pyro may have some insights not had by mere mortals…

Doesn’t make good casts unless you have 3x the volume of what you are casting. Otherwise it is just fun to light off.

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Maybe you could burn some of that too-many-consonants blue?

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Using Grout helps if using ceramic molds, otherwise I previously used a wood mold for basic things when I last did this.

As mentioned you need a lot of excess material but it’s a cool process. I’d be in for helping with this.


[quote=“Lampy, post:3, topic:48406, full:true”]
Doesn’t make good casts unless you have 3x the volume of what you are casting.[/quote]

How about using it to cast a fire ant nest? :smiley:

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Aluminum is much better at this :slight_smile:

But not as spectacular! :smiley:

Always wanted to do an art project with Detcord:


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