Slingfest Crew Logistics

That’s great! There were at least three, the newest is the EX-ZR1000, they record either 224x56 or 224x64 pixels at 1000fps but they are fun to play with. Call Pete Delkus and tell him to get rid of the clouds for Sunday! It takes a TON of light!

Here is a sample of the video from one (ZR-200)

If we had a regular use for a high-speed camera, these have been well received for the relatively low cost, they had a Kickstarter for their first camera back in 2014

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And here is the “slow motion” reel from “Slingfest” 2012 (I don’t remember if it was really called that before last year)

Love the “thrill of victory” combined with “agony of defeat” footage.

My phone can take 240fps, it would be good to have someone taking video from side so we can review exact release point and angle on each launch before the next attempt.

Did you adjust the release pin? I’m concerned about the release angle. It’s a little hard for me to discern from the mostly dark video.

Release pin was set for maximum elevation for all test shots; angle was consistently high regardless.

Was it set for high due to the test location, or do we intend for it to always be a high angle?

One has not truly seen beauty until you’ve seen a glowing green milk carton arcing through darkness of night on its heavenly travels. Experienced the cheers Makers cheering from the shadows paying homage to their creation.

Had someone yelled “It worked” vs "It’s alive! It worked, it worked it worked!! I’d not been surprised,

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I did not phrase that well. It was set for what should be latest release and the system was still releasing at a high angle.

There were some technical problems:
The first harness pretty well came apart - G loads were obviously high. Ripped stitching
The steel cable clamps were stressed enough that they slipped, which would change release point.
And we did almost land one on our self. So targeting is questionable.

Gawd, I’m glad I was there to witness it.


For sunday we will have a different pin allowing 15 more degrees adjustment, and also longer sling cables, we want it to release later than it currently is so we need to increase sling cable length. Ideal is projectile leaving at ~43 degrees when arm is vertical and weight is at lowest point, projectile should leave and the arm remains perfectly still, showing that all available energy went into the projectile.

Can you explain why not at 45 degrees?

Air resistance. Trade shorter flight time to reduce the effects of drag.


Now that I’ve seen how the first (prototype) pouch disintegrated, I’m concerned about our limited qty of pouches. We have the v2 pouch that I made today. I think I can modify the v1 pouch with a couple additional cross pieces so it will hold the melon. Do we need to scramble and get more webbing so I can make another one? I have a couple more D-rings. That seatbelt webbing you got is really nice. I think if we ordered some post-haste we could get it on Saturday - unless someone knows of a local source …

What do you think?

I think the 2" webbing ones will be good and hold up to the 20-60 gs (140 - 420 pounds of force), I don’t expect them to break. The one that broke during testing was very crappily made.

If anything a sling out of a different material would be good as a backup, we could just bring some duct tape and make a 10 layer duct tape pouch in an emergency.

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Need Multiples to in the event of failures.

Whatever the 2" webbing cost - get it form local Joann’s or whatever. That will be part of CA’s contribution to the cause, I think we afford such splurging - Victory does not come without a price (money in this case). I’d quote the Spartan motto: "Come back with your shield - or on it. Only we want you to come back safely, Victory or not … there’s always next year!

Just keep the receipt and turn in expense form at the black mailbox by server room.

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Generous offer, and I’ll go take a look-see … but I don’t recall seeing anything suitable at Joann’s. Any other recommendations for sources are appreciated.

@Brandon_Green will this material be good enough for Chris to sew? 2" towing straps?


Harbor Freight $12, 20 feet of 2" Towing strap

Although … there is one (other) thing CA could contribute to the cause. Pending @Brandon_Green approval, of course … I think that Pegasus would benefit from a large vinyl cut Dallas Makerspace on one or both of uprights. Unless there is already something like that in the works. I don’t know if we’re going to get there with the paint job, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t take too long to apply vinyl.