Scouting an area for outdoor stop motion and learning my camera

I have a plan to do some stop motion outdoors. So last night I took a walk around Addison Circle with my nice camera. Figured I’d test my camera skills and practice with the settings.

Addison Circle is a very photogenic area so getting good photos didn’t take much work.

Feedback is welcome and I need it to be sure I’m on the right path. If there is something I should consider that I may have missed in these pictures let me know.


Overall, I like them. Here’s my two cents on a few of your photos. Your two main “arch” photos, I would take one to two steps back or forward depending on what you’re going for. Stepping back gives just a little bit of breathing room around them. The first one is clipping the top a little and the second clipping the outer bricks. If you take a step or two forward, now your focus is on being trapped inside the bricks focusing on the restrictiveness of the gate. Before your second arch there is a well lighted street full of cars. The two before that are lighted twightlight shots. For those I would either crop out, or digitally erase the blue sky peeking through the trees.

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Ah, good eyes! I agree with what you are suggesting. I cropped the first arch because I corrected the horizontal and vertical lines and didn’t have much space after that correction. Will step back in the future and leave more room for those kinds of edits and cropping.

Agree with hiding the sky light peaking through. Would look more cozy that way.
