[RESOLVED] Laser not Auto-Focusing

The laser is not auto-focusing. When you click the focus button on the screen, the table drops to the lowest position, and stays there. The laser will move around otherwise, just not auto-focus. I am at the space. Is there anything I can do to help?

I’ll ping the laser hangout and see what they can help with.

Update: Bat Signal Lit, just waiting on Batman

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We are on it. So the table is dropping when auto-focusing instead of rising?

If it’s still not working, could someone please update the tool status board to Red or Yellow as appropriate?




Anyone in the world can set a tool status to anything, there is no auth on that page

I understand, but I don’t know exactly what the correct status is from reading the posts. That’s why I asked someone who was involved to update the status.



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This issue was previously resolved. It’s been a recurring issue as a result of a poorly designed auto focus plunger, combined with less than careful use of the laser.

Feel free to continue to report when the plunger fails, so we can do our best to ‘fix’ it when it recurs (and it will…). Please keep in mind that even the manufacturer suggests that it’s best to use the manual focus method.

See related post here:

Laser Committee Vice-Chairperson