Precinct Chair project [Mod Note: This is a non-DMS, personal political discussion thread]

I am working with a team of progressives on a Democratic Precinct Chair project. Jan 27th is the next deadline to file for vacant chairs. I will help anyone with the process. It’s a piece of cake to get in mid-term. Please private message me. (Michael Moore spoke at the rally on running for office; he said even introverts have an office for them - the precinct chair. I screamed out loud because there was my cause on national news! P.S. If you identify conservative/GOP and want to make a difference, TX voting precincts have both a Dem and GOP chair. Go for it. We won’t get bipartisanship unless we make it happen.)

I Challenge everyone, ESPECIALLY those who favor the Democratic party to read Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party by Dinesh D’Souza. There is also a Movie, but the book was more detailed.

For those of you who think it’s false information, I fact checked it, you should do the same…

Know who and what you are voting for.

I’m a long-term Republican, but also a political scientist by training. I fully support the idea of becoming more active at the base if you want to change the world.

Benches for both teams are really shallow now that everyone has burned out on politics. It’s a great time to make a difference.

And remember…all politics are local. Don’t crab about who’s president if you haven’t shaken hands with your mayor or council representative.