Pottery Wheel YouTube Instruction

@dryad2b and I were talking about good YouTube channels for additional throwing instruction and she suggested I post my rec up on Talk. There are a ton of throwing videos out there that are…essentially artisans pimping their own galleries/websites. It’s glossy productions showing perfect technique with convenient edits. These aren’t super helpful for beginners.

However, there is an excellent instructor that I recommend to nearly every beginner I talk to. Hsinchuen Lin is fabulous. He moves the camera around, talks through what he is doing, cuts pieces in half so you can see what is happening. If you are starting out, his channel is a great resource.

If you have a fave, add a link!


Here is one of my favorite channels to watch.


While not specifically ceramics only, This channel is amazing!

Especially the how it is made series. Here are a few of my favorites:





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Those 2 are great resources. If you do pottery please also look up John Britt.


John Britt’s Midfire and High Fire glaze books are life.

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I find this video amazing lol

Masters really make it look so so easy


That’s one of the reasons I wanted Christy to put her favorite video up. The internet is full of masters showing off, and they know their craft far too well to be of any help to folks who are just learning. The potter in the first video in this thread makes a point of explaining how things work to those who don’t have a clue.


Two additional potters with great videos for beginners are Tim See and Simon Leach.

Tim See has a beginners section on his channel. He also has an advanced section for those looking for next level throwing instruction.

Simon Leach has 10 years worth of videos that cover everything from basic topics (how to center, wedging, basic tools, etc.), advanced throwing, troubleshooting issues, demos, decoration, and firing as well as a bunch of random clay topic videos. His site isn’t well organized, but is more than worth going through.


Just bumping this up so that some of our new learners can find this post easily.


Might be able to get it pinned inside the Fired Arts section

@Team_Moderators – could we get this post pinned to the top in Fired Arts, please?

I pinned it until 1/1/2019. I had to pick a date … if you prefer a different date, let me know.


Could we get this pinned until 1/1/2020, please?

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