Poetry? a bad descriptive poem?

Do we review poetry and how can i improve?

Roused and rinsed eyes

Defocused, Blister and blurred,
a sigh is the only drawn word,
Here my silly senses stirred,
Vicariously Vetted,
Through open an eyelid,
Then enter the exquisite,
Not invested in the visit,
Back drop to a simple sunset,
My eye traces a silhouette,
From a sullen head on the sill,
It is only feelings that fret,
and you much like the way ward wind hath will,
You are destined by desire,
and me restricted by the retired,
Wheels retread the same routine route,
Disdaining distance, but dripping with doubt,
back and forth is just a bout.
Scents soars, about something scintillating and scalding sensual,
silk and slick and pleasant perpetual.
Ah but a vague visage viewed in vain.
And idol imagination of the inane.

Poem generated from the song…