Patent Law Class

Any idea on who teaches the patent class.
Also what the syllabus was in December and if there will be another class.

This might be a place to start:

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We have a patent lawyer who wants to do a presentation and answer questions. About 1.5 hours total.

I just need to get him scheduled.

Any preference to day and time? I am inclined to Wed / Sat / Sun.


I’d prefer an intellectual property law attorney that does Patent Law to a Family Law attorney that does Parent Law. :wink:

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Flipping autocorrect.

Wednesdays 4pm personal pref

Sundays, Mondays & Fridays have the greatest availability at the Space.

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or Synday afternoon works

Anything after office hours would be great.

Sundays afternoons, Monday & Friday evenings are good here

It would be nice to develop a line of several classes for a series of lectures, speakers can be attorneys, CPA’s, government officials, etc. One topic month. Ideally about 8 topics so they can run 8 months a year.

  1. Business Types, advantages and disadvantages, how to setup
  2. Start-up Tax Considerations: Income, Corporate Pass-through, FICA/SSN, Retirement/Medical
  3. Start Up Items: Business Licenses, OSHA, EPA, Zoning, Workers Comp
  4. Financing: Kick Starter, Investors, Loans
  5. Patent Law
  6. Copyright Law
  7. Trademark
  8. ??

@wilkesc Chris had some pretty good classes in a series going along those lines fairly recenlty. I don’t know if he’s able/willing to assist with the work he’s already put forth on that front, but if you have an opportunity to chat…


That can be one class on Intellectual Property.

??? A class or two on taxes, income, property, sales, etc.

Much better as two classes. The principles are different enough they really should be separate topics or it become way to superficial.

It needs to be seperate class from patents.
I have an MBA and have taken Patent Law before. (Need refresher)

I’d like to see

differences trademark, design, utility
lead times
time frames, time bound
Actual realistic stats on getting an actual patent
stuff like that

In that case, then add Trademark law.

this talk showed up on my wall

naybe she would come talk to us also

Done 1234567890`1234567890

Super interested in this. I have done provisional patents but it’s still a mysterious area.

I know a trademark/IP attorney that might be able to speak. He does a lot of work with dotcoms.

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