Only Three Tables Left for 2017 Makermade Tables at DMS!

It was decided, which I pushed strongly, to keep it simple: just collect rent for the vendor spaces. This keeps DMS out of the sales stream and any involvement with sales tax, processing fees, etc. No issues of “did they report all their sales?”

This makes it very easy to keep track of monies taken in and not co-mingled with other DMS electronic payments coming through DMS. Those vendor transactions would have to be dealt with separately. The money collected is for the Maker Fellowship Fund so the money does not technically belong to DMS - it will be deposited with DMS with will hold it for benefit of the MFF. When fellowships are awarded, money is transferred on the books to DMS,

Keeps everything separate and traceable.


I dropped my application and check in the finance box.


Sue, SROriginals dropped hers in the box on Thurs night

She is about to go out of town to a show and to visit her Mom in Ark for
a week so she is limiting her computer time

I should have mine to give you tomorrow, before the dinner

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Just dropped the application in the finance committee box, let me know if there is anything else, should be fun.


Current attendees. One more asked of application. Here’s the direct link

See below for Update


For those interested in getting started in craft fairs and a business of handmade items, this free series of classes was on a recent Talk post:

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@Photomancer @uglyknees Is this event being advertised outside of the MakerSpace in order to bring in shoppers?

To advertising it within the Space:

  • I have seen the new flyers. Good!
  • Start a fresh Talk thread
  • Have the vendors add pics of their wares & a description
  • Send a broadcast email to all members. So many do not read Talk. Too many do not regularly visit the Space.
  • Spin it as a Christmas gift shopping event, highlight the variety of talent.

To advertising outside the Space,

  • I’ve got nothing

Where’s @Team_PR?

There are shows that do a lot of local interest stories like Good Morning, Texas on channel 8.


KERA s Art and Seek might be another place There are some other
lists I know of, If we want it out there I will contact them and see what we need to to do to
get it on their lists

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There’s also and Dallas observer both share event info


If we advertise it to the public, we need a couple of folks available to give tours and we need someone in the lobby getting folks to sign waivers


I made the flyers and ordered the cards. I haven’t been up to the space for two months at least.
I’ve been preoccupied with life (always my thing) I haven’t put any effort into advertising outside of the space. This is me being honest.


Taking an interest in one’s life is a good thing. I recommend it for most everyone.

And you are not the lead on this.

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I posted to a couple of Facebook groups but most of my Facebook groups are to help vendors find shows. As a vendor I’m not really expecting to sell much to other people who can just make things, I’m more interested in seeing what other people make and buying from them. I’m not going to be upset if only a few people show up.

I keep trying to find time to get to DMS to grab a few flyers to leave out but for the first time it wouldn’t hurt if it is small so that we can get any issues worked out. Anyone who is really concerned about turnout can help advertise. I’m hoping that I can help out more with the next sale.


Ditto. I’ll have a good time just spending the with you all!


That is kind of you @Julie-Harris & @Webdevel that is a great, and kind, attitude.

Still, your time has value, esp 6+ hours. Some effort should go into attracting customers.
@Team_PR @Photomancer

I would like this to be a regular event for the Space, where everyone wins.


I thought that there was some discussion abot if we wanted oursidere to
come to this one, I would love to see others come

In my opinion not opening it to outsider choppers will mean a very lean
show for the vendors

That drive link is broken btw

I don’t know what the deal is. It works and then it doesn’t. I don’t know if an associated with recent server down issues.

@uglyknees can you repost the link and see if it works. I copied yours, but people are having problems.

Re outsiders

The limitation on outsiders was that the vendors be members. Not a limit on who can come. Thus the printed material to take and disseminate. So spread the word about the show.

Re show expectations

Agree with sentiments of Julie and Jorge as far as I’m open to whatever happens. I do think spreading word will be of benefit. There are some practical limitations at this point, but every little bit helps. But I’m also just looking forward to really seeing/shopping some offerings of fellow makers. And also understanding this is a compressed time-frame this was put together with and it will be a great trial-run to see what works well, and what are opportunities for improvement for the next one. I can see this would be neat to be a recurring thing.