New Tools for 2015 Q1

My goal all along has been to increase the number and types of lasers, laser and photonic equipment. That includes, but is not limited to, new laser cutting machines, small to large. I’d like to get a class up to making a laser paper-cutting machine, for example. I think it’s Lampy who has an Nd:YAG laser that he is trying to get into working condition; that would make a great class project. I’m trying to get us there as best I can with my classes, but I am a long way from it.

Incidentally, I saw a rotary cutting tool at one of the Radio Shacks… I think the one on NW Hwy. I thought about buying it, but forgot about it (or, someone picked it up when my back was turned).

I would like to see the tool cart idea we discussed last year come to fruition.

FWIW, I’m an on-call field engineer. Usually, I have a lot of flexibility in my schedule, so I could, for example, spend most of my days at DMS, if I had a reason to do so. All I need is my cell phone, access to my email and the ability to drop everything at a moment’s notice and fly to any part of the US for unknown periods of time. Actually, I’m probably going to spend just a few days at a time working in Plano, then go back to waiting for my phone to ring.

Hi Daniel,

I spent the past 6 yrs using handheld spectrum analyzers in the field, and working with technicians using them. They can be burnt up if you connect them to too high a power level (> 20 dBm, 100mw), but usually they have input protection for that, and are not particularly ESD sensitive. I certainly carried my $35k unit (Tektronix SA2500 and Anritsu MS2721B) in the back of the truck with no other protection than the regular carry case for years. I’d say it should have a quick familiarization class, and I might be able to write that up.

You know, TRS Rentelco is a test equipment rental place out by the airport. They sell older rental eqpt for fairly low prices somewhere toward end of life. They might be willing to donate. Still, the RSA306 new is probably cheaper, and definitely has better features than either of the two units I mentioned above.

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More Dremels, or finding the ones we currently own.

We are seeing more interest in the ceramics area of Foundry, so another electric pottery wheel would be great, we could also use a slab roller, and a pug mill.



You should consider the far less expensive, but just as capable Rigol DSA models.

(The difference in phase noise performance is likely not a concern for our members.)

— Zach

The link you provided says it only goes to 1.5 GHz. RSA306 does 6 GHz, so can see 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz license free bands which is good for the sorts of things members might be likely to work on. Tektronix also has DPX feature, intended for capturing fast digital signals. It’s good for things like visualizing Zigbee and Bluetooth waveforms (got a story about that…). It’s an amazing piece of eqpt, compared to what I used to use.

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Automotive 2 post lift is a must-have IMHO if we are going to have an auto group. It’s what a lot of gearheads, um, enthusiasts would like to have access to, and can’t justify in a home garage due to cost/space/wife :grimacing: issues. I’d be happy to tech some basic classes like changing brake pads, renewing suspension parts, etc.

Some type of auto-specific data-acq/diagnostic kit is a must for any modern car. The pico-scope is the one most talked about, perhaps someone else is aware of a more cost effective solution

I like and vote up these as well:


I am one of the new members who joined at the Grand Opening. I have met some amazing people, taken some terrific classes and made some pretty cool things already. I have many different hobbies and interests and DMS provides an environment for these to flourish.

I would like to see us purchase some leather craft tools which are not really affordable by the average member such as leather sewing machine, hand presss, belt strap press I’m not an expert leather craftsman, but I know a sewing machine would be very useful for other things too like vinyl or canvas.

I also would like to see more 3D printers. They are always busy and if one is offline for repairs then many people cannot print their projects.

Lastly, I’m a big fan of hand tools. Almost any type of additional hand tools are desired.

Thanks from a newbie.

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I’m another n00b that joined at the Grand Opening.

I haven’t looked at all the test equipment available but if we don’t have an ESR meter, we need one. :smile:

The small kit one from is less than $100 and I’d be happy to build it.

I have the previous generation of it in my shop and it’s an amazing tool for fixing electronics.

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IMHO, the focus needs to be internal structure of DMS … Space is #1, intro packages/video presentations/process for new memberships on boarding … is going to be the glue that holds the place together. Sure I’d love to see focus on Digital Media (as many folks already know which could be a big draw for new memberships), but I believe space, process, marketing, and a dedicated employee is the horse that needs to proceed the cart. Those investments will stimulate more memberships and that will guide direction. Yet, I still am “new eyes”, so I am sure there are many things going on behind the scenes that I have not yet seen… but you said newbies should chime in. :slight_smile:

  • Employee - to watch over the space, spot problems, make
    first-responder fixes to equipment problems, “encourage” good
    behavior, stop harmful operation of machines, provide “on the spot”
    training when needed, keep track of equipment (check out/check in of
    certain high-value items and items that seem to ‘disappear’ on a
    regular basis), and be the eyes and ears of the board.
  • Additional 3D printer.
  • Additional laser.
  • Industrial sewing machine (for leather, canvas)
  • Oscilloscope, DC power supplies, function generators, digital
    multimeters for electronics benches.
  • Dust-free woodshop - every sander/saw used with a HEPA dust

I appreciate that the frequency range is higher, but the money is a huge step function once you get to the microwave bands. It is sometimes a better solution to put a down-converter in front of your SA (hundreds of $) versus going with the higher-frequency model (thousands of $). Analyzers are good for linearity, output purity, IIP3, etc. testing, but not for capturing fast transients. For that, you’d be better served by a Vector Signal Analyzer (HP 89441 for instance, something I’ve spent many hours in front of) which digitizes a 6-8MHz swath of spectrum at once with an ADC.

Have you considered some of the more amateur signal measurement tools such as the RTL-SDR dongles? With the appropriate up/down converters, they provide an amazing bang for your $. They are more like a VSA (tuner + ADC) than a SA (electrically tuned YIG with detector).

— Zach

@Raymond & @Cmorgan we do have a list of equipment we would like to purchase from a November meeting that was brought up for discussion again in January. I appreciate both of your input. Since we have about $800 in the budget we can afford this list. Many members said we can wait on the Variac.

There also has been several mentions of a Spectrum Analyzer, either desktop or a smaller handheld tool. While I’m all for more sophisticated tools I think we need to get the basics done first. But we can add it to our wishlist and with enough usage/need requests we can approach the board. @schrodinger123 has been making connections and working on discussions with the National Instrument people about a demo of the Virtual Bench. Not sure if we will be able to swing a discount or donation but we will stay engaged with them.

An ESR meeter would be useful repair tool for many so I will add it to our list. I have a large LCD TV I would like to repair myself. Propably be usefull for the Pinball group workgin on old arcade monitors. Bad Caps are the main culprit for them. If you want to make specific model request PM me.

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Well, anyway, my intent was to kick in my 2 cents regarding a spectrum analyzer, not to hijack this thread about new tools. I’d recommend taking this discussion of spectrum analysis off to a separate thread.

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I think we have holes.

I would like to make sure we have a solid foundation of the normal, boring stuff before buying new fancy things.

More Tables for example.


Along those lines, we could use some better microphones. We need to record, maybe broadcast our classes and presentations.

The rooms also need more work on acoustics.

Laser power meters would be nice, especially for the CO2 cutter. It would be nice to know the beam power and profile without having to cut a sacrificial piece.

My goal is for the Space to have an optics lab. We would need an optics table, an optics bench, lens holders, lenses, meters, sensors (such as a bolometer) and a light-tight room. The room could be collapsible and could also be used for photography. Keep in mind that we might need to move the optics lab to a different street address, if the environment at the current location impedes work.


Then, can I assume the items are on order?

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No we had several members that requested we hold on them while we looked into the Virtual-Bench. It does not seem likely in the short term that we will get the instrumentation system. So I will order the tools on the list this week.

I cant tell you how hard it is to prototype without a modern DC power supply with basic current limiting. It is the most basic of basic equipment for an electronics lab and I was astounded last night to see the space does not have one. The two ancient HP power supplies are wholly insufficient for anything but your most basic needs. These are what I use up at work and I highly recommend them:

It looks like the single channel model is going for $400 used (

If we’re thinking of the same ancient HP power supply, it is quite high quality, but you’re right, we could stand a modern one. This is what’s in my home lab:

But that is probably overkill for our use.

Continuing the discussion from New Tools for 2015 Q1:

Finding someone might not be as large of a challenge as you think. Sometimes they are right under your nose… :wink: