Making a Poster

When is the next class where I can come in and learn how to make a poster/ protest sign.

What is a “protest sign” ?

( I should have added - “what is the difference between a poster and a protest sign”)

I work, therefore I don’t have time to protest…


I’m pretty sure that’s where you apply the business end of a marker to the surface of a piece of tagboard…


To my knowledge, we have never had a class to teach how to make protest / picket signs at the 'Space.

Be aware that there are regulations on what materials can be used in some municipalities, etc… So, be sure to do your homework on what is allowed where you plan on using them.

That being said, there are tons of articles, YouTube videos, Pinterest ideas, etc… where you can learn how to make a sign, once you know which type of sign is allowed. There is even an article on how to use signs to protest sign bans ~ LOL!

Here are a few links to get you started:

I need help making a protest sign, when’s the next class?


@Adam_Oas I’m guessing serious since this is the 2nd thread and I believe there is a request on the helpline by the lobby too.

@etmarcano If you are wanting to learn the software to digitally design a sign, there are probably free how-to’s on the internet.
If you’re wanting to use the large format printer, it is currently not functioning, due to needing replacement parts.
If you want to hand paint it, there are paints and brushes available for use in Creative Arts, please make sure to clean your brushes and make a small donation to CA for the supplies you use.
That said, you can acquire paint stirrers at a paint store for free and poster boards for a dollar or two at craft stores or walmart. Glue the stick to the board and you’ve got your sign, sans message.

It’s also probably worth mentioning that “classes” kind of like what you’re asking for at the space aren’t really supposed to have any kind of political affiliation, so you may have to take a handful of classes and piece together the skills you learn from them to achieve the product you are looking for.


We do have an old fashioned projector in the CA room if you need to blow up images. It’s an old trick - just need to get the image on a transparency and a darker room to see the image.

If you’re looking to just print something large can help blow up things larger (I know…the name).

Right now we are down a printer. It’s going to be a bit (March) till we are up on our feet with it.

You can also buy engineering prints at staples inexpensively if it’s just black and white. although they look like they are just for blueprints you can use it to blow up just about anything.

I wish you luck in your makery pursuits.

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@pandabob offered his printing services for members at his studio for the same price :sunglasses:


TLAR is offering the same gig but is North of the DMS


Then TLAR is also a superstar :smiley:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: HELPLINE at the 'Space

Correct… Here’s the card that’s on the HELPLINE for more details on what he’s looking for: