Magic Leap One Creator edition launched today

They’re looking for maker/developers to start developing for it… for $2,295 they’d deliver it to your door AND help set it up.

If DMS doesn’t qualify for one, who would?

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Just was looking that over. The price is a little, well, prohibitive but over all looks interesting. If we got one what would we do with it?

Walk around with it on literally all the time in a totally-not-as-awkward-as-Google-Glass sort of way?

Given the cost, non-availability in DFW, lead time, and need for it to be sized I’d think it’s a non-starter at this time.

$2,295 is a non-starter at this time unless Digital Media teaches a bunch of classes.

This was in WSJ today about Leap

Digital Media doesn’t have the budget currently, nor the case to purchase one necessarily.

Personally I’ve been watching Magic Leap for over a year now. Where they are going is really impressive. Would LOVE to get my hands on one.

Digital Media doesn’t have the budget currently

That’s not quite the question at this point since we can do events, fund drives, committee collabs, private donation, etc… The question here would be what can, would and should we do with it given we had it at the space?

So for ideas; I know this would be great to help with the virtual space project that the interactive computer museum has.

Hence, “currently”. Ok, let’s run through some use cases off the top of my head.

Games: obviously playing would be a big part, but also more teaching ability. We could center classes around obstacle avoidance for pixel creatures that could also translate to robotics/battle bots.

Automotive: having an exploded model of a car system (engine, shocks, electrical, etc.) virtually next to your car would increase identification of worn parts and what you need to place where.

Woodshop: theoretically could take a virtual project, explode it out into its sub components and help you know board lengths you need to cut. Possible future could “project” a cut line so your cuts are correct length.

Creative arts: virtual painting for people who are too shy to show their work. Cosplayers that need to rotate a model to see how a garment was designed.

3D fab: modeling an object to real world size. Possible to see your phone and model a stand around it.

Lots of potential uses for this level of AR around the space.

Woodshop: theoretically could take a virtual project, explode it out into its sub components and help you know board lengths you need to cut. Possible future could “project” a cut line so your cuts are correct length.

That got me thinking about how Wintergatan has been building his project lately. ie designing it in CAD and then assembling it later. He’s got a great library of videos on how to jump into AutoCAD from ground zero and go to irl project in no time flat.

The great thing here is we can hold a few classes on using cad then have those same members then see their project in real time with all their parts, layout, and measurements via this as they built it at the space.

Ok unrelated but I’m reading tea leaves here and getting they even thought of that:

Keep the ideas coming.

I have a contact. Will see if I can arrange a demo at the space.


yes please and pm me when it goes on the calendar so it gets through the wall of notifications I get. I’d love to see what can be done with this platform.

next idea:
