Lift Speakers now available for use

Why not double down on passive aggressiveness by implementing a way for anyone to anonymously silence the speakers for the next hour?

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Overall, this is such a startlingly stupid and bad idea that one has to assume there is something else underlying it or motivating the decision/action.


What I’ve observed in the past I didnt feel was people being rude, and I’ve never been bothered by the noise level or content. Usually it’s the content of loud verbal conversation that can get inappropriate.

What about the one observation provided so far the soft classical music was pleasant? Is soft classical music rude and distracting? This is what I would play/like to hear when I’m working in the area.

It seems like we’re all being jerks to each other right now because people are worried that others will be jerks in the future. Why not just don’t be a jerk and hope that example inspires the ones you’re worried about to be better people themselves? Can’t we have some positive thinking in here just once?

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Musical tastes differ. What one person finds pleasant another can find rude and distracting. That is the point many of us have been trying to get across. Tolerating other’s unintentional rudeness is part of being excellent; however, when you’ll post that your installing speakers and an amplifier, that goes beyond unintentional.

Merissa, I don’t see why you are having a problem or any issue with ANY of this discussion? Isn’t this just all part of Brandon’s grand “social experiment”, and therefore shouldn’t you be supporting it wholeheartedly?

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If it’s not inherent to the activity, yes.

Here are observations, then.
Whilst wandering through the workshop (warehouse) approximately 7 months ago, one of the folks working at a bench had music playing loudly enough on their headphones that I could hear it as I walked through the door. While I don’t object to the “genre” of music being played as a whole, it IS controversial from time to time, and this ditty in particular will make sailors blush. This callous ignorance of decency makes me shake my head.

Other treks though various segments of the 'Space have yielded less memorable observations, but I can recall no less than 3 in particular with several people gathered around a screen with loudness emanating that I found objectionable due to the noise and lack of consideration for others.

Solid observation there. And sometimes I want take people to task over it. Sometimes I’ve thought others should have taken me to task over it, I’m sure.

I don’t see any “jerkness” happening here. Opinions were requested. Opinions were delivered.

And now it feels like I’m being called a jerk again because I find encouraging rudeness to be objectionable.

I thought we DID get positive results last time this topic was visited, because everyone was left to make their own choice in personal listening pleasure, without piped in music to try to drown out.

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Haha… I was just about to say “Go have a Snickers” but you beat me to it :smile:


This thread is for responsible members to use a new tool I installed in the hopes of improving the auto area. If you want to meet your daily quota for argumentative internet posts please find a new thread.


Amplifier and speakers that are at best intended to entertain are not a tool. You asked for opinions and you have been given many by multiple people, yet you aren’t listening.

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I’m supportive of having speakers for the reasons I’ve discussed. Please dont misconstrue my comments for anything but what I’ve said.

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Okay, since it appears Brandon is not going to be reasonable, I did what I suspect he wanted in the first place. I posted a proposed rule for the next board agenda to prevent this silliness, and unfortunately it will also prevent those who were already doing so with reasonableness. Sorry folks

That is ridiculous, Walter, and you know that. The speakers have been in for, what, two and a half days, have resulted in no documented problems, and you are now asking for them to be banned. Not only that, you are blaming your actions on someone else. Own it if you’re going going to take those actions.

Merissa, I already put my name to the agenda item. Just because we haven’t had an issue yet, is not really relevant. You have a litany of complaints and description of the problem above. And you have both ignored them. You and Brandon have left no option, which is exactly what I think your husband wanted in his ongoing petty issues with Tom.

Also your ridiculous rule would prohibit the noise from vector.

The only person making this petty and about any specific person is you. Please back off with your accusations until we set a time to talk face-to-face as I asked because it’s uncalled for.

That rule would prevent anyone from using speakers in any from or class for any use the way it’s currently worded.

So I guess your mindset has changed on when to make rules Walter? Here are your words…
“Do we really want to be passing rules to accommodate members concerns based not upon objective problems (which haven’t occurred yet) but rather upon emotionally driven prejudices and perceptions?”

Sorry if that’s not linked properly. Doing it from my phone with poor cell service.

Merissa, If you note above, I mentioned that I was trying to get you and your husband to get rid of the speakers and amplifier that have the sole intent to play entertainment (at best) or we would force the adding of yet another rule.

If you follow the thread you link, you will find that the crux of the solution was “Don’t make us have another rule.” It appears that you’ll weren’t willing to take down your distraction machine. So we are presented with a need for yet another rule. Which I believe is precisely what Brandon wanted (though perhaps he would have like Tom to get banned again as well).

You’re a master at spreading misconceptions, I’ll give you that. I’ll PM you about face-to-face discussion in the next few days so you can explain and justify your comments about me.

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