How to Offer Cliff's Notes on 'Space Happenings & Keep the Audience Engaged

Continuing the discussion from WTB: MakerSpace Happenings – The Executive Summary:

Anybody got great ideas on HOW to accomplish this?
In my tiny world of knowledge, I’d think RSS on the blog (already there; just needs configured properly, advertised, and the tough bit, buy-in).
But there are likely better ways; certainly newer technologies you kids are using these days; things that actually work [better]…
Whatcha got?

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I use Facebook to keep up with almost everything.

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Thank you for your honesty.
I should have known that.


Some of improvement can e by just reaching out to others working
in other areas. Ask about a piece of equipment or something you
see the working on . If you are chatting with someone, ask their
name and talk name or offer yours

Marks puzzles in the common room have been good

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So facebook is all we’ve got on this?

it seems that each committee has it’s own category on talk. It would seem to me that it is incumbent on the committee to brag about what they are doing. It may be as simple as announcing what classes they are doing or publishing their meeting minutes (they do meet right?) in something other than the wiki meeting minutes. something else that can be doe is to simply post interesting content for all to see - which is something I try to do when I find it. check the must see cnc crash video I’ll put up real soon. cheers!


I’m going to post this here, because is seems to fit better than the original thread where I was going to post it.

Continuing the discussion from Stuff on the DMS Walls

If you want this to go out to RSS subscribers, you could even see about getting that working. Use the “Things of Interest” category on each post, and this plugin to feed that out.

Just spitballing for ways to help “spread the word”.
Along those lines, here’s a writeup on how to simul-publish to Facebook.

I would think a word or few with the infrastructure folks (e.g. @StanSimmons and/or @LisaSelk ) might get the ball rolling on such things…