Help with listing an event

I have been a member for a while but mostly in wood and so I am not sure how to do this:

I would like to present prepared topic material as part of a presentation

in one of the meeting rooms, ideally the theater room with the lectern

I would like to list it several weeks in advance to promote it

with postings in the hallways and also want to make it free to the public. I would like for the public to know of this event.

Where do I list this and how can I get approval of the promotion posters.

I would like to hold the meeting Tuesday evening October 18th, 25th and Nov. 1st

Joe K

I have been a member: So you are entitled to use facilities. oh, and Welcome

I would like to present prepared topic material as part of a presentation in one of the meeting rooms, ideally the theater room with the lectern As a member you can reserve a room for an event or schedule a class. A no cost. If you can find a sponsoring a committee it may qualify for an Honorrium

I would like to list it several weeks in advance to promote it The event/calendar sytem will show it up a minimum of 7 days if you schedule it with the absolute minimum of time. Schedule it three weeks ahead and it’ll be there 19 on event calendar

with postings in the hallways and also want to make it free to the public. I would like for the public to know of this event. Bulletin boards are available for all members use - be respectful and not “hog” the boards. Signage on walls is limited and discouraged - pretty much just DMS official events or so it would seem

Where do I list this and how can I get approval of the promotion posters. Go to Events tab on home page and schedule an event. You’ll need to create a profile in order to use. Then follow the instructions. If room available - it’ll be yours to use.

I would like to hold the meeting Tuesday evening October 18th, 25th and Nov. 1st You will have to schedule multiple events. Not sure if system allows three at once. But there’s been upgrades

Joe K

thanks for your help

I think I was successful

except that I had trouble with date and times function and ended up

getting 10/17/16 7-9pm

and 10/24/16 7-9pm

in the lecture hall

and wondered who I might ask if it could be changed to

tuesday 10/18/16 7-9pm

and tuesday 10/25/16 7-9pm

in the lecture hall

these dates and times were open on the calendar

Note: Minimum time for getting honorarium. You can schedule stuff for the next day if you aren’t applying to get money.

so just submit again and ask for the other dates

there is no honorarium involved

and I was just having trouble with the date and time function

it is still not taking the dates I asked for

not sure why

they are open on the calendar for that room

who can I reach out to

Alex @AlexRhodes is the primary contact. He is very responsive and can help you.

For more information about the new calendar system, check out this thread: New Calendar and Honorarium process (scroll to the bottom for the most up-to-date updates!)

For changes or corrections, please e-mail: [email protected]

If you are having technical problems with the site, please open a ticket:

I hope this helps!

Your event is in the queue and will be reviewed. If no one objects it will appear on the calendar in 48 hours. It appears you did everything right, you just have to wait.


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can I get these dates

uesday 10/18/16 7-9pm

and tuesday 10/25/16 7-9pm

they were not shown as booked but the system would not take them either

dont know why

I can accept and work with the ones that I got accepted

but would prefer the ones above

Joe K

Please check your email.

I did not notice one at KJ _ _ _ [email protected]

is that the email address I should be checking