Fibers class--plying ( now what?)

Posting a heads up here for several folks that have mentioned interest over time…

A class is coming up this Thursday July 6th that you may be interested in–plying and yarn finishing techniques. 7:30-8:30 in CA.

If you’ve taken a beginning yarn spinning class awhile back, got a little spun but then stuck/forgot on what to do next, this class is for you.

***Even if you DONT have anything spun to ply in class, come and just bring yourself (and your spindle if you have it handy). I have a workaround so you can participate.

If you have some singles you’ve spun, bring them.

We’re going to be covering a few plying methods. Then also what the heck you do with the yarn after that…skeining, wet-finishing, ball-winding. And the tools associated with those.

Hope you can join us. Here’s a link to register: